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'Iceland Volcano Museum' Competition, organised by Bee Breeders

In collaboration with Runlin Zhao


The site of the Volcano Museum is located in the northern part of Iceland, nearby Lake Myvatn area. Taking advantage of surrounding landscapes, the proposal aims to create various spaces for understanding volcanoes and experiencing the unique Lake Myvatn area as much as possible. Before going deeply into this beautiful area, the museum would give visitors a comprehensive and adequate guide for their further exploration. Our basic idea is to bring an immersive experience during visiting this new musuem.

Concept idea comes from the shape of nearby Volcano Hverfjall and develops to the similar forms for the initial volumes of the museum. We preserved existing path in the site as the main route for visitors and arranged volumes around the path. The Volcano Museum is composed of a main building (including central atrium, auditorium and observation platform), a special exhibition hall and a open plaza. After considering adjacent Route 1 of Iceland*, we also designed different circulations of cars and buses for visitors’ convenience.

Entering the museum, the central atrium in the main building becomes one of the key immersive spaces. We refered to a part of Lake Myvatn here and hung a variety of local bird specimens above the lake model. So people are able to stroll on the atrium space while observing those rare and interesting birds. Besides, special exhibition hall becomes another immersive space with Volcano Hverfjall model. Before the further visit of surrounding landscapes, people would have the opportunity to have a look with the whole picture of nearby volcano and to know more about this geologic structure by seeing, listening, and even touching.

*The Route 1 of Iceland circles the whole Iceland and connects to a lot of scenic spots and cities, including the proposed site. It is also popular for self-driving travel.

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